Creative Writing Article Features
The following articles are the best ones I’ve written thus far to inspire, empower, and transform perspectives on creativity, writing, and sacred sites. These articles aim to encourage the process of writing through literary pilgrimages, call out places where people may be misusing the idea of story, and present an evolved view on the hero and heroine’s journeys.
These articles have been posted on the platforms of Medium and Manuscripts LLC.
Image: Iona, Scotland 2016_taken by Regina Stribling
Mary Magdalene: The Outcast One
Spiritual Literary Pilgrimage to Scotland Part 1: Rosslyn Chapel & Unlocking the Time Guardians
“A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one.”
~ Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code
I stood in the crypt of Rosslyn Chapel with my hands hovering over an ancient carved stone. A new friend from our traveling group, Cheryl Goldenbear, invited me to tone with her. We toned in A’s, E’s, and Ah’s for only a short time when my mind’s eye opened to reveal golden strands of light emanating from within the Celtic patterns carved in the stone. The golden light moved within the stone, the chapel, and outside. It was the Christ Light!
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash
This Article Contains “Pro-Story” Initiatives
“Stories are medicine. I have been taken with stories since I heard my first. They have such power; they do not require that we do, be, act, anything — we need only listen.” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Recently, I’ve come across people using the words narrative and story against another person.
Such as: “Boy, you’ve created quite a narrative there. Maybe you can write a short story about it someday.”
This person’s response has nothing to do with the narrative.
Instead, they are reacting passive-aggressively to a conflict. They are not taking responsibility for their part in the conflict AND are distancing themselves from the other person emotionally to try to control the situation.
Image: Grandmother Cosmic Tree (Bear’s Lodge) (Devil’s Tower) 2018_taken by Regina Stribling
Literary Pilgrimage to Grandmother Cosmic Tree (Devil’s Tower)
We met Chief Golden Light Eagle at Devil’s Tower in June 2017 for a different kind of Star Knowledge Conference. One of camping and a long extended stay before some of the people went to Sundance that year. The reason we were there, or at least what brought us there, was for me to present my manuscript to Chief and ask his permission to use some of his teachings in my Time Guardians novels.
Image by Pexels at Pixabay
A Modern Author’s Guide to the Evolution of Story: Transforming the Journey Beyond the Hero and Heroine
Storytelling is an art. As art tends to do, it evolves with the times, often questioning its roots yet keeping a keen eye on those who came before.
The premise of this article is to take a look at the roots of journey in storytelling, question them, and create a renewed perspective while also bringing forth two examples of evolving story journeys.
The purpose of focusing on two story journeys is to get to the heart of the journey. The essence of the way a story is told. From there, a writer can expand upon key elements to bring the story into life. And yet, doing so from a more evolved perspective of inclusivity and diverse human experiences.
Hero’s Journey in a Nutshell
Are you a fan of the Star Wars movies? Did you know George Lucas adapted Joseph Campbell’s A Hero with a Thousand Faces into the first Star Wars series and that George referred to Joseph as “my Yoda”?
Image: Pexels on Pixabay
What Does Creativity Have to Do with Your Feminine Side?
Whether you’re a writer, entrepreneur, health practitioner, artist, scientist (the list goes on), you’re creating from the wellspring of the feminine. The feminine within you and the feminine of the Great Mother. No matter your gender or sexual preference, the feminine resides within all of us.
Image by Anja on Pixabay
Authenticity Matters
Knowing who you are allows your artistic style to shine!
“There was about a two-year period at the end of the ’60s, when I realized I was in the wrong place and entertaining the wrong people with the wrong material and that I was not being true to myself. I went through a metamorphosis into something more authentic for me, a more authentic stage voice and writing voice.” ~ George Carlin
Recently, I had a similar epiphany as George Carlin. I have been under the illusion I would be the type of person who would inspire through words in a particular way. I had a sense of what this inspiration looked like in the form of a Facebook group and memes. Yes, memes. Then, I realized how creating inspiration in this way was not for me. It was actually draining, and wasn’t authentic. It wasn’t my style.